Movie Details
IMDB: Rating: N/A
Genres: Action, Comedy, Crime
Runtime: 111 min
Rating: 15 - No admittance to children under the age of 15.
Director: Nash Edgerton
Stars: Joel Edgerton, Charlize Theron, David Oyelowo
Plot: An exhilarating mix of dark comedy, white-knuckle action and dramatic intrigue, Gringo joyrides into Mexico, where mild-mannered businessman Harold Soyinka (David Oyelowo) finds himself at the mercy of his back-stabbing business colleagues back home, local drug lords and a morally conflicted black-ops mercenary. Crossing the line from law-abiding citizen to wanted criminal, Harold battles to survive his increasingly dangerous situation in ways that raise the question: Is he out of his depth - or two steps ahead?