Movie Details
IMDB: Rating: N/A
Genres: Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Runtime: 95 min
Rating: K - General Audiences. All ages admitted.
Director: Joel Crawford
Stars: Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds
Plot: Still searching for a place to settle down after the cataclysmic events of The Croods (2013), the overprotective prehistoric patriarch, Grug, leads his family to the great unknown. Hoping for the best in an increasingly dangerous world, while trying to come to terms with Eep and Guy's budding romance, Grug stumbles upon a secluded Eden of plenty, containing everything that they have been seeking. However, there is a catch. This verdant heaven on Earth is already occupied by the significantly more evolved Bettermans: Phil, Hope, and their daughter, Dawn. Now, as tensions boil over between the antagonistic clans, a new menace threatens the future of both families. Can the Croods and the Bettermans put aside their differences to fight the common enemy, and live to tell the tale?